Day 22

Little Brown Bear said, "I see a little black rabbit. See the little rabbit?"

Little Black Rabbit said, "I see a little bear. Run little bear. Run down. Not big, brown bear! Little Bear, run down."

Day 21

"Run Rabbit, it is not good. Run, little rabbit, run. Go down, down, down. See the big bear. It is big.  Big and brown. It is not little. Run black rabbit. Run down, run!"

Day 20

Brown Bear sees the bird is big and it is down. Cat sees two little red and black birds. Bear sees the little birds. "Go up big bird, go up and see the little birds."

Day 19

Brown Bear sees the birdIt is a black and red bird.  The bird is down. Black Cat is up. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, see the yellow and black bird? It is up! It is not good. It is not a bird!"

Day 18

Go down, Brown Bear.  Go and see Rabbit and Black Cat. Go down, down, Brown Bear. Black Cat is down. Cat and Rabbit go down. Bear is not down. Bear is up. Go down, Brown Bear!”

(Free)  Click here to download the reading worksheet for today.  
(Free)  Click here to download the reading worksheet from yesterday.  

Today's video is longer than we like to make the videos.  (We try to keep videos around 15 minutes).  In this video, Mrs. Karle teaches the short "a" sound during the review.  This is an imporant concept for learning phonics.   If your student has a hard time watching the entire video in one sitting, please watch the entire video over several sittings.